When it comes to baby clothing, people develop sentimental attachments. Now lest any of our readers think sentimentality with regard to baby clothing is silly, let me point out that adults often have trouble parting with clothing they never wear either. It's too small but they wore it for a special occasion and are hoping to be that size again soon. It's completely worn out but they've never found one as comfortable to replace it. It's a terrible color, but it was a present from beloved Aunt Gertrude and they simply can't part with it. They never wear baseball caps anymore, but won't give up the collection they spent years accumulating. You get my point.
So what to do with all of the clothes Grace and Miles wore as little babies? The garments filled two large boxes in our closet, not to mention drawer and closet space in the kids' rooms. And, as is often the case, they had gotten very little wear since the kids grew so quickly -- other children could get great use out of them. Some people choose their favorites, make a quilt out of them, and give away the rest. It's a good idea and one that reduces the clutter significantly. But I'm going one further.
I've taken photos of each of my favorite articles of clothing and will use my seldom-used-these-days graphic design skills to lay out the photos in posters. I'll then frame the posters and hang them as artwork. After I took the photos, I sold or gave away all but two or three things (heirloom-type things which we'll pass on to the kids for their kids someday).
Goal: Keep reminders of the fun and cute things Grace and Miles wore as babies, but reduce clutter in our home and maybe make a little money on the side. Goal achieved? Yep. (Now all I have to do is actually do the layout and print the posters.)
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