Well, it's finally arrived. It's definitely summer. Sunshine beams into our home, making us smile (and open the windows to cool off). Our grass is mostly brown because we can't remember which days we're allowed to water. My parents have arrived from China. Salad instead of soup is on the family menu. The popsicle man (with his music-box, can't-get-it-out-of-your-mind music) passes by daily. Grace wakes up from naps all sweaty. And, strangely enough for Seattle, it's been dry for long enough that we've stopped asking whether we should take a raincoat when we go out.
We continue to work on the house, although we took a week-long break to fly to Texas for a Lipsey family reunion and for Vic's parents' 50th anniversary celebration. We had a great visit! It was great to see everyone, to meet new people, to catch up on each others' lives, and to introduce everyone to Grace. (On the way down, Grace was the crying baby no one wants to be near on the plane. On the way back, she was decidedly less fussy.) But we're glad to be back where we can't fry an egg on the sidewalk.
Some of the latest photos of our little peanut...

is she wearing the dress there?? and the bee/butterfly thing, liam loved that. i can't wait to see her and kiss your parents and anyone in the vicinity for me! love to you.
summer must agree with that adorable grace ~ glenda
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