Thursday, December 13, 2007

Going Swimmingly

Yesterday I hit the pool for the first time in over two months. After doing three triathlons this past summer, I'd come to love swimming, and in fairly long distances. But it's easy to get spoiled by swimming in lakes, being able to hop in, sight the distant shore, and start swimming. This back-and-forth, back-and-forth in the pool is not nearly as much fun, almost makes me dizzy. (I don't need any extra help with being light-headed or queasy these days.)

Being that the water in local lakes is too chilly for swimming unless you're a polar bear, and given that I've been itching to get back to swimming, it was time to head for the pool.

Slow, out of breath, tired. But for about an hour, I felt the best I've felt since discovering that we're having a baby. Shortly before I finished, I realized that I wasn't queasy or sleepy and, in fact, hadn't even thought about being pregnant the whole time.

I'll be going swimming again soon.


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