Grace has been very busy lately, and here are two of her favorite activities of a few weekends ago. (She'd love to do them again anytime her mother will let her.) First, we went to the Imagine Children's Museum in downtown Everett. What an amazing place! For anyone living nearby, I highly recommend it. Grace was literally running in circles trying to figure out what to do first. Thankfully, my parents, known to her as Mum-mum and Dad-dad, were along for the trip and helped keep her in sight and out of trouble.

Then there was the soap bubble splashing. This is a girl who loves -- absolutely adores -- water, and if it has soap bubbles in it, all the better. I filled a big bowl with soapy water, set it in the kitchen sink (which I absolutely adore, but I'll save that story for another post), pulled up a chair and Grace's sleeves, and let her go to town. The final shot of the day reminded me of one of the Junie B. Jones books by Barbara Park (I can't recall which one) in which Junie B. is trying to be a sophisticated lady in the bathtub, but can't resist just being her five-year-old self and dabbing bubbles on her face. "Sophisticated ladies wear bubble beards," she insists. Ha. I don't know about that, but silly little girls do, and Grace's silliness is one of the things I like best about her.

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