recurring nosebleeds
dry, itchy skin
shooting leg pain
migraine headaches
lack of appetite
shortness of breath
trouble sleeping due to restless legs
digestive problems
If you weren't feeling at all well, and you had one, several, or all of these symptoms on a near-daily basis, you'd be pretty concerned. These are not normal or healthy. A visit to the doctor's office would definitely be in order.
And if you were pregnant, the doctor would look at you and say, "Hmm, yep, that sounds about right." Not exactly what you were hoping for.
Here's to things (eventually) going back to normal.
I'm so sorry that you aren'
t feeling so great Mindy, but I have to tell you that was a great posting! You haven't lost your sense of humor :) Hi to the fam
Yep, and I even missed a few of my symptoms, most importantly the heart palpitations that sent me to the cardiologist for monitoring. Turns out to be just another somewhat unexplainable pregnancy complication, and the doctor isn't too concerned. We're thankful.
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