In the meantime, Grace has been doing great. A bit of a cough for about a week, but that's gone now. She's gobbling up mushy food of all kinds and gumming everything she can get her hands on. The middle lower teeth are both in, and two on the upper left are poking through. She is sitting up, teasing Vic with "dada" kinds of sounds (we're pretty sure she has no idea she's calling his name), and trying desperately to crawl. The playpen stands ready to hem her in once she's mobile.

We took a trip up to the tulip festival on Sunday. The weather was overcast but warm, and the drive was relaxing, with the Peanut napping all the way up.

am I not supposed to eat these?

OH. She is so beautiful and has grown so much since the last time I've seen her, Mel! Your hair is super cute by the way. Hope all is well, glad to see that sweet face.
WOW! What a difference from last year at the ranch! She's a REAL person - and what a happy smile! Richard and I are so excited to see all of you again at the family reunion! Cecilia
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