Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Few of the Cute Parts

Grace's toes

Grace's cowlicks

Grace's eyes

Friday, March 13, 2009

Something for Nothing?

Well, not exactly, but pretty close. Call it getting something for doing something you would have done anyway.

I recently discovered, an internet search engine that gives you free stuff to use their site. Yes, you have to give them some basic info about you, but I haven't received a single junk email as a result of signing up. I have, however, received a $5 Starbucks card for using them, and my grande hot cocoa was sweeter because it was free.

As a die-hard Google fan, I was skeptical. Imagine my joy when I discovered that Google and are the underlying search engines; ie, you'll get the same results as if you search on Google. Vic gets a kick out of hearing me say that instead of googling something, I swagbucksed it.

So it's simple. You sign up, use whenever you're searching for anything on the internet, earn a point from time to time, and redeem your points for free stuff. Nice, huh? Wanna sign up? Go here.


(A little disclaimer: When you earn a swagbuck, I get a free swagbuck, up to 100 total, which means that I'm not completely unbiased -- seems only fair to admit it. Seriously, though, it's really cool and I would have told you all about it anyway.)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Peanut Pictures

Happy March! Wow, can you believe how quickly this winter is passing? Not that anyone around here is particularly upset about that. We're teaching Grace to soak up each sunny moment, and reminding ourselves to be thankful for the rain that helps things grow.

Speaking of things growing, our little peanut continues to do that. Here are her latest glamour shots...
