Friday, March 14, 2008

Sunshine, Warmth, and Blue Sky

These are a few of my favorite things. Being a Seattle native, one would think I would be used to the gray of our winters, the drip of rain, the chilliness. It's true that I like the sound of rain on the roof and the smell of the fresh, just-after-the-rain air. But by this time of year I'm usually craving some sunshiny, blue-skied, t-shirt weather.

Vic and I took a trip to Arizona this past week and stocked up on warm weather to get us through the rest of the winter/spring here. The four-day vacation included lots of yummy (and even world-famous) food, Mariners spring training baseball, cacti, and HGTV. We came home feeling rested and, when I woke up to rain on the skylight yesterday, I didn't even mind.


Nielsen's Frozen Custard, on our Salt Lake City layover

Pizzeria Bianco, Phoenix - featured on Martha Stewart and Oprah

The very symbol of my favorite things

Outfield lawn seats for Mariners vs Arizona Diamondbacks

My first time at a spring training game

Infield seats for Mariners vs Chicago Whitesox
(third row above the Mariners dugout!)

Our sunny cottage in Tucson

The pansies (my favorite flower) outside our front door

There was even a lemon tree in the yard

Vic, happy to be seeing Saguaro National Park

Roadrunners really are fast, but I caught this one on camera


Tucson, from Saguaro National Park, at sunset

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Better Shot

We had our follow-up ultrasound this morning. The little one was still facing my back, but is now moving around enough that they were able to get the measurements they needed. They even tried doing one of those fancy 3D scans, but Vic and I both thought it looked pretty creepy (think alien-baby meets modern-art sculpture). There was one pretty nice shot though, so here it is.

(Oh, and this technician confirmed that our peanut appears to be of the feminine variety.)
