As Grace lies squirming in her crib, slowly falling asleep (hopefully) for her afternoon nap, I hope that her eyes are getting a good rest. You see, her left eye has been crossing, more dramatically and more often, over the last 3-4 weeks. With the holidays, we couldn't get an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist until yesterday.
Did you know that all young children are fairly farsighted? Apparently it's part of the way eyes develop and, as the muscles strengthen, their sight comes into better focus. In the way they measure farsightedness, they would expect a 1 1/2 year old to register somewhere between one and three, but Grace is at five and a half. So there are two possible causes -- muscle weakness or nerve issues. The latter requires surgery, so we are very thankful that Grace's is the former, and only requires that she wear glasses. It's even something she might outgrow, although since Vic and I are both farsighted, there's a chance she may always need glasses or contacts.
So if you see Grace after next week, she'll be sporting these:

(The title of this post? Well, of course, that's how Grace says glasses. We're taking care of her sight right now -- we'll worry about her verbal skills later.)