On the final day that we had the Tundra (see last post), Vic and I had the afternoon free and decided to take a drive. And where did we go? North, to the Skagit Valley tulip fields. (For those not from the Seattle area, the Skagit Valley has become famous for their annual Tulip Festival in April, and all month visitors come from near and far to take in the fields of bright spring colors -- a welcome sight after a gray winter.)
It had snowed the day before and we worried that it might have damaged the flowers, but no. Though surrounded by deep mucky mud, the blooms were gorgeous.
Color as far as the eye can see

A single variegated bud

Daffodils too

Then yesterday, Vic and I took our little peanut to the doctor for her latest checkup. She's doing great -- everything going as it should and right on schedule. They also did a few tests on me, the most important being the one for gestational diabetes. About three months before a baby is born, they test the mother for sugar levels in order to determine whether she's developing this condition (about 1 in 5 do). It's generally handled with a modified diet, and goes away after the baby is born. So we're waiting to hear the results of the sugar test.
I'm feeling a bit more tired these days, remembering longingly the early days when I slept for 10-12 hours a night plus naps. In fact, I'm thinking a nap sounds pretty good right now, so I'll bring this post to a close.